A Magical Christmas: The joyous journey of Brianna and Jordan Driskell with their five adorable new children in family photos preparing for a wonderful Christmas

Briana and Jordan, 26, struggled to conceive for almost two years. Briana called it her greatest emotional rollercoaster. Each month began with anticipation, hoping this was the moment they had been waiting for. The tests repeatedly failed, crushing their hopes. After their sixth fertility treatment, the Driskells saw two pink lines—a long-awaited good outcome. Briana shouted, “We got a baby for each time we tried!” They were thrilled when their eight-week ultrasound revealed quintuplets. Five sacs on the screen ꜱtᴜnnеd them. Briana sat astonished. Her husband almost collapsed, and both moms were in astonishment. The news overwhelmed Briana’s mother, who vomited twice outdoors. In that terrible moment, Briana’s mother kept saying, “Five? Five?” The blessing’s immensity became evident.


After they were born, we needed a van since our vehicle couldn’t accommodate them. Even that’s tight! Taking them out is a big job, and we receive a lot of attention. It’s fun to see them develop their own characteristics. We must follow a strict timetable and adjust as they develop. We’ll need a larger home. This year seems like a haze. Four outfits a day equals three loads of laundry. 60 diapers per day. A ꜱҺоϲk and steep learning curve.

The couple’s five children will make this Christmas memorable. “Over the years, I’ve received Christmas cards from friends and family who had kids,” Briana said. I’m a parent now, and I’m excited to send Christmas cards with my kids on them. We’re content, thank God.