From deѕрeгаtіoп to Redemption: Dololo’s Miraculous гeѕсᴜe from Starvation, Parasites, and Infectious Eyes

Dololo’s Astonishing ComebackWhen Dololo first came under our watchful eye, he was in a pitiful state – severely undernourished, plagued by parasites, and his eyes infected. Saving him became a formidable challenge. Yet, after a span of nine months, he has undergone an incredible metamorphosis, blossoming into a joyful, vigorous, and attractive young bull.

Article Share: Dololo’s Remarkable Journey

Dololo’s journey has been anything but easy, filled with ups and downs that often left us worried about his fate. This young elephant was placed under our care in September 2018, after an unfortunate incident that took place on the night of 8th September. It was during this event that Dololo fell into a treacherously slippery waterhole located on ranch lands outside of Tsavo East National Park. However, we strongly believe that Dololo was already an orphan before this incident occurred.

When Dololo was found, he was in a severely weakened state, clearly suffering from malnutrition and compromised health. These conditions likely played a role in his inability to rescue himself after the fall. Picture this – his face and a significant portion of his body completely submerged underwater. In order to breathe, Dololo had to use his trunk as a makeshift snorkel, raising it above the water’s surface. It is truly astounding to think that he remained in this position for over twelve hours before help arrived.

The rescue team worked tirelessly to save Dololo from the perilous situation he found himself in. With their expertise and dedication, they were able to carefully extricate him from the waterhole and bring him to safety. From that moment forward, Dololo became our responsibility, and we were determined to give him the care and support needed for his recovery.

Dololo’s journey to regain his strength and well-being has not been without its challenges. There have been moments of uncertainty and setbacks, but through it all, Dololo has shown incredible resilience. With round-the-clock care, proper nutrition, and medical assistance, he has slowly but steadily improved. Today, Dololo stands as a testament to the power of determination and the unwavering spirit of these majestic creatures.

We recognize that Dololo still has a long road ahead as he continues his rehabilitation, but we remain hopeful for his future. His story serves as a reminder of the crucial role we play in protecting and preserving the wildlife around us. Dololo’s struggle has touched the hearts of many, and we are grateful to have been a part of his remarkable journey.



The community was the first to spot him when they came to water their animals in the morning. Thankfully, they cared enough to inform the KWS rangers who were stationed nearby on a ranch. The rangers took him out of the water, and soon after, Dr. Poghon, the KWS Veterinary Officer assigned to the SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit, joined them at the location of the calf upon receiving the reports.Dololo was later transported to the Trust’s Nursery in Nairobi using the SWT’s helicopter. He was airlifted from the spot where he was found directly to the Nursery, eliminating any unnecessary stress and saving precious time. Being able to move him swiftly and smoothly was crucial, as he was not in a condition to endure a more challenging rescue.


The SWT Nursery Team embarked on a challenging journey when Dololo arrived at their care. It was clear from the beginning that Dololo’s eyes were in a terrible state, with oozing and infection persisting for several weeks. This was likely due to being submerged in filthy water for an extended period before his rescue. Not only was Dololo already underweight, but the whole ordeal took a toll on him, causing even more weight loss until he resembled a mere skeleton. On top of that, he was infested with parasites, but the team had to prioritize his recovery and allow him to regain strength before addressing this issue to avoid further compromising his well-being.

Like many starvation victims, he frequently experienced collapses, necessitating the administration of intravenous fluids to restore life to his depleted body. The Keepers, tasked with night duty, had to remain watchful to distinguish between sleep and potentially life-threatening hypoglycemic comas. As his skin peeled, Dololo’s body became covered in sores, leaving him in a pitiful condition for months. It took a significant amount of time before he regained his strength and transformed from a skeletal figure into a healthy-looking elephant.



It brings us great joy and satisfaction, after almost a year, to observe Dololo’s incredible transformation here at the Nursery. His once fragile and worn-out appearance has been replaced by plump cheeks and flawless skin. Dololo is gradually regaining the resemblance of his former self, before his world was shattered. Adjusting seamlessly to his new surroundings, he exudes a sense of contentment and radiates happiness amidst his companions. Moreover, Dololo has become a cherished and affectionate member of our human family.

It’s incredibly satisfying for us to know that, without the backing of our team, he wouldn’t have stood a chance. His remarkable triumph over adversity can largely be attributed to his tenacious determination to survive. We take immense joy in nurturing this extraordinary young boy, believing that he will ultimately evolve into a stunning and powerful bull. In the meantime, we cherish the moments we spend with him while he acquires the necessary skills for his future existence in the untamed wilderness.


