Unbelievable: A small crocodile is helped by a family of cranes to cross the road

Mallery Neptune was forced to pull over while driving to a craft store with his family in Saint Cloud, Florida (United States) to allow for unexpected guests to safely cross the road. A small alligator emerged from the grass and crossed the road, trailed by some long-legged cranes.

Mallery had previously observed the crane family resting on the grass on the opposite side of the street. As the little alligator proceeded in that direction, the woman realized the cranes were striving to defend their territory.

According to The Dodo’s interview with the woman:

“Something moving in the grass caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. ‘Honey!’ I screamed as my arm stretched out and struck my hubby in the chest. For the automobile! There’s an alligator on the other side of the road! We stood there watching as he slammed on the brakes.”

A tiny alligator is helped to cross the road by cranes.

Mallery describes:

“I was really hoping it would stay familiar since my kids were in the car staring at the alligator. The cranes were around him. It appeared to be a game of “follow the leader” at first, but once the crocodile was out on the street, the cranes rushed forward to help him go home.

The family was able to watch as the cranes stretched their wings to defend the bridge while gently directing the alligator in the opposite direction.

Mallery added:

“Watching them utilize their wings to expand their size and deflect the alligator was incredible. They were obviously a team, presenting one face.

The lovely cranes accompanied the young alligator back to the pond once he received the message, ensuring that he returned home safely. This animal connection was a life-changing experience for the woman and her family.

Mallery is hopeful:

“We’ve seen alligators sunning themselves near the ponds, but we’ve never seen one cross the street or interact with the cranes like this. Seeing these incredible animals was a lot of pleasure!”

The woman first filmed the event to show her father, but when she watched it again, she wanted to share it with others, so she shared it on social media. The video quickly went viral.

Mallery said:

“I decided to share it since the whole thing was making us giggle, and I figured some of my friends would appreciate it as well. Laughter spreads like wildfire, and we could all use a good chuckle right now.