Abandoned, mistreated, and deprived of food, it languished in a dark trench at midnight, excruciating pain until it discovered a glimmer of hope.

Abandoned and left for dead in a ditch, Shepherd the puppy was in a dire state when he was found on Okie Street, NE in Washington, DC on a July night. Thankfully, the Humane Rescue Alliance received a call the next morning about a dog found by the gutter, and immediately went to his rescue.

The nine-month-old puppy was severely emaciated, weighing only 15 pounds when he should have weighed between 25-30 pounds. He was suffering from mange and a secondary skin infection, and was unable to lift his head or walk. The Humane Rescue Alliance quickly took him to an emergency animal hospital, where he received much-needed care and attention.

After three days in the Vet clinic, Shepherd was released to one of the most experienced foster homes, where he received the love and care he needed to get back on his feet. The first few days were tough, as he was very weak and looked really sad. However, with the love and attention he received from his foster family, Shepherd began to show signs of improvement.

By the end of the first week, he was standing on his own and taking a few steps. He was no longer the sick and weakly puppy that he was when he was first rescued. Shepherd was now a happy and playful puppy who loved to chase his tail, go for walks, eat his favorite treats, and play with his siblings.

Finally, after a year of being rescued, Shepherd was adopted into his forever home and given the name Tig. Tig is now living his best life, surrounded by the love and affection of his new family. He is a loving and cuddly boy who loves to play with his older sister and brother, and always wants to be close to his family.

Shepherd’s journey is a reminder of the importance of animal rescue organizations like the Humane Rescue Alliance, who work tirelessly to save the lives of abandoned and neglected animals. Tig’s story also highlights the amazing transformation that can happen when a neglected animal receives the care and love they need to thrive.

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