Heartbroken Dog Sits аɩoпe in Rain, Reunites with Family After 8 Months in a Touching Moment

A dog sitting outside a shop in Malaysia in the pouring rain drew the attention of passers-by due to her sorrowful and lonely appearance.

Jim TikTokkerJimmie observed the dog huddled over, forlorn, and videotaped her. When he contacted the shop owner about the dog, he was told it had been sitting outdoors for four days in a row.

The dog surveys the roadway in front of her, as if she’s looking for someone.

JimJimmie speaks to the dog and offers her food: “Come here, dog… Come on in and eat. Even if you don’t want to eat, please have a seat here in the shade.” JimJimmie attempts to entice her. JimJimmie, an animal enthusiast, often feeds stray dogs he encounters on the streets.

His recordings of this dog quickly went viral, catching the attention of a woman called Vaani. Vaani immediately phoned JimJimmie to inform him that the dog is hers and has been named Bairava.

Bairava had been absent for eight months after getting separated from his family while Vaani was recovering from an illness, it was discovered. According to Vaani, the dog was in the hands of a friend who failed to properly lock the gate. Bairava was afraid and went away since it was a festival and there were firecrackers. Vaani had found Bairava as a stray dog five years ago.

Vaani told the Malaysian news site SAYS that she and her family spent a month looking for Bairava but were unable to locate her.

“For a month, I roamed around the neighborhood yelling her name. “However, I never saw her,” she told SAYS. When Vaani and her family were reunited with Bairava, they sobbed. “I went there and called her name… we were all crying and hugging (our dog),” she explained.

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